
New 8th Generation Invisible Speakers

LineaRadiance speakers are the 8th generation and next evolution of Stealth Acoustics’ LineaResponse flat radiating diaphragm speakers first released in 2003. Up to 5 new LineaRadiance speaker models are planned for release in 2024 for a full ‘family’ of 8th-generation invisible speaker/subwoofer offerings.

Some features found in the exciting line of all-new products are:

  • Integrated, acoustically tuned back box included with every speaker (removable)
  • New transducer/exciter driver designs
  • Increased overall efficiency
  • Fidelity Glass Advanced™ tuned and dampened fiber diaphragm
  • Easy-Tape™ tapered frame/diaphragm for improved finishing
  • Increased power handling
  • Re-voiced crossover networks
  • Increased overall diaphragm surface areas on many models
  • The new woofer mount for increased internal air volume
  • Improved poly-switches
  • New paper-finish diaphragm for better material adhesion